Samstag, 11. Januar 2014

Yoga, Meditation and Massage

Tempel des Lichtes 

Bali - Tempel, Kultur und Yoga

Religion, Kultur, Heiler, Meditation und Mythen in balinesischer Hindu-Kultur

Lernen Sie auf dieser Yogareise von Amed Scuba in Bali die Vielfalt Balis kennen und erhalten Sie tiefe Einblicke in die balinesische Spiritualität, Kunst und Philosophie. Beeindruckende Tempelstätten bringen Ihnen die hinduistischen Riten und fröhlichen Lebenspraxis näher.
Ein Treffen mit einem balinesischen Heiler, einem balinesischen Yogalehrer begleitet von täglichen Übungen in Yoga und Meditation runden Ihre Reise ab.

Amed Scuba – Bali bietet mit Hilfe unserer wundervollen Padi Instructorin Viktoria Kleyer und dem balinesischen Yogalehrer Made Kecut, Yoga Klassen in Amed an. Viki unterrichtet klassisches Hatha Yoga. Sie lernte und machte ihre ersten Lehrerfahrungen in Indien in Nashik im Distrikt Maharastra im Jahr 2006 und unterrichtet seit Jahren auf Bali Yoga und Tauchen.

Yoga ist mehr als ein Sport, es ist gesund und verbessert die Körperwahrnehmung und die Lebensqualität und sorgt somit für ein gutes Lebensgefühl! Menschen, die sich konzentriert bewegen und dabei bewusst atmen, stärken nicht nur ihren Körper sonder sorgen auch für eine Balance des Körpers mit Geist und Seele. 

Bucht von Jemeluk

Beim Yoga geht es zunächst darum, den eigenen Körper und damit sich selbst bewusst zu spüren. Bei den Übungen versucht man die Bewegung mit dem Körper bewusst wahrzunehmen und sich auf den Augenblick zu konzentrieren. 
Dabei hilft Yoga eine Balance in Menschen herzustellen und hat Einfluß nicht nur auf den physischen Bereich sondern bringt auch den mentalen, emotionalen und psychischen Bereich im Menschen in Einklang mit sich selbt. 

Neben der Yoga vertieft das Tauchen oder Schnorcheln im warmen Wasser des Indischen Ozeans dieses rundum Wohgefühl, da man im und unter Wasser seinen Körper um so vieles intensiver spürt und seine eigene Atmung bewusst wahrnimmt. Neben der Yoga und dem Tauchen besteht aber auch genügend Zeit um die wundervolle balinesische Kultur zu erleben und sich bei Massagen durch Ketut Bali einem örtlichen Heiler verwöhnen zu lassen. Seit Generationen wird das Geheimnis und die Kunst des Heilens in Ketuts Familie weitergegeben. Er und seine Schwester werden von Balinesen konsultiert, wenn diese gesundheitliche Probleme verspüren. Feinfühlig ertastet Ketut den Körper, verweist jedoch an einen Arzt, wenn er nicht weiter helfen kann.

Dazu lernen Sie bei Viktoria verschiedene Asanas, wie die verschiedenen Yogahaltungen im indischen heißen. Durch Yoga entsteht somit mehr Bewusstsein, auch bei der Atmung, was letztendlich auch der Gesundheit zugute kommt. Denn in Kombination von Asanas mit Pranayamas, wie die Atemübungen heißen, wirken die Stellungen auf den gesamten Körper und entspannen ihn neben der Massage.
Zahlreiche Studien belegen die wirksame Prävention von Yoga gegen Krankheiten, aber Yoga hilft uns auch zu entspannen und Körper, Geist und Seele zu regenerieren. Denn durch die sanften Übungen, wirken die Asanas und  Pranayamas auf die inneren Organe und die Muskulatur, die dadurch besser durchblutet werden.

Yoga hat seinen Ursprung im Hinduismus und ist eng mit der Religion und der Kultur verbunden. Bereits vor mehr als 4000 Jahren taucht der Begriff Yoga in den heiligen hinduistischen Schriften auf und in Bali wird Yoga oft ergänzend zur Meditation praktiziert, um den Körper konzentrierter werden zu lassen. Die Asanas sind dabei nur ein Teil des Yoga Komplexes. Yoga ist eine geistige Disziplin, bei dem die Asanas den Körper in die Lage versetzen soll, die weiterführenden spirituelen Teile wie die Meditation zu praktizieren, um schließlich zur Erkenntnis zu gelangen. In 4000 Jahren entwickelten sich viele verschiedene Yoga Traditionen. Viele der heutigen Stile gehen auf den indischen Gelehrten Patanjali zurück, der vor ca. 2000 Jahren lebte und hohen Stellenwert auf die Achtsamkeit beim Yoga legte. Das Bewusstsein soll dabei durch Yoga zur Ruhe kommen.
Um diese Ruhe und Erkenntnis beim Yoga und der Meditation zu finden, haben sich im Laufe der Zeit verschiedene Yoga Praktiken herausgebieldet, die heute aber auch individuell auf den Praktizierenden nach seinen Bedürfnissen angepasst werden. Im Anfängerkurs werden die Basis Yoga Positionen aber auch dynamische Übungsreihen wie der Sonnengruß neben Atemübungen, die auch hervorragend für das Tauchen  geeignet sind, vermittelt und geübt.
Viktoria lernte, praktiziert und lehrt das sich bereits im Mittelalter herausgebildete Hatha Yoga. Es ist sehr körperbetont und ist die heute am meisten angewendete Yogapraxis im Westen. Dabei kommt es gar nicht darauf an, besonders gelenkig oder sportlich zu sein, selbst wenn Anleitungen zu Asanas das oft vermuten lassen.
Wer Yoga gerne ausprobieren möchte, sollte einfach eine Probestunde bei Viktoria nehmen.
Habt Ihr noch Fragen zum Tauchen oder zur Yoga, Viki und Amed Scuba helfen Euch gerne, Euren Urlaub interessant zu gestalten.
Der Prei für eine Yogastunde (90 Minuten) wird von Euch selbst festgelegt, denn Viki arbeitet nur für eine Spende.
Ihr erreicht unsere Padi und Yoga Ausbilderin Viktoria auch direkt unter der mail adresse:
oder unter
Muttertempel der Hindus

Amed Scuba offers different kinds of massage:

Javanese Lulur is a 17th century Javanese royal treatment. After 60 minutes massage, your body is scrubbed with lulur (tumeric, sandal wood and rice powder) to remove dead skin, an exfoliation of yoghurt to eliminate toxin, and ends soaking aromatic flower bath.

Balinese massage,
this relaxing massage has been handed down through generations. The technique of skin rolling, long kneading strokes and food massage are belived to renew and strengthenthe body.

First enjoy 60 minutes massage, different kinds of scrub, like fruid or herbal spice scurbs or milk scurbs and warm up and relax your body in a warm soothing bath of herbs, spieces and flowers while watching the rice growing.
We can also order the healer of Bunutan for your massage. In old family tradition he and his hole family  learned how to help in healing processes.

Amed Scuba – Bali offers you with the cooperation of our wonderful Padi Instructor Viktoria Kleyer yoga lessons in Amed. She teaches classic Hatha Yoga since 2006. She studied and started to practise in India, Nashik, Maharastra State and teaches yoga and scuba diving in Bali.
Yoga is far more than just a physical excercise, it improves your health and your body awareness and the quality of your life and introduces you a new lifestyle! People who move focused and breath consciously strengthen not only their bodies but also ensure a balance of the body with mind and soul. The most important thing in practicing yoga is to feel self aware of your own body and finally of yourself.
With the yoga exercises you try to perceive consciously all the movements of your body and focus on the present. Yoga helps to create a balance in people and has influence not only on the physical level but also the mental, emotional and psychological context in bringing people into line with their own support. In addition to yoga diving deepens the wellbeing because under water body consciousness is so much more intense and you emphasize the own breathing more consciously. In addition to yoga and scuba diving, there is also plenty of time to discover the wonderful Balinese culture and let yourself indulge by a good massage.
Terrace in Amed Scuba
You may learn diverse asanas with Viktoria, - these are the yoga positions called by the Indian yoga experts. Thus creating more awareness through yoga, including breathing, from which ultimately you will also benefit in scuba diving. The combination of asanas with pranayama, breathing exercises, the positions affect the entire body.
Numerous studies prove the effectiveness of yoga in prevention of diseases, but yoga also helps to relax and to regenerate the body, mind and spirit. For the gentle exercises, the asanas and pranayamas affect the internal organs and muscles that are better supplied with blood.
Yoga has its origin in Hinduism and is closely connected with religion and culture. Over more than 4000 years ago the term yoga is mentioned in the sacred Hindu scriptures and on the island of Bali Yoga is often practiced in addition to meditation, to help the body be more concentrated. The asanas are only one part of yoga complex. Yoga is a spiritual discipline, practising of asanas should enable the body in a more advanced position through practicing spiritual meditation, to finally come to enlightment.
Bucht von Jemeluk
In 4000 years, many different yoga traditions have developed. Many of today's styles go back to the Indian scholar Patanjali, who lived about 2000 years ago and focused highly on awareness in yoga. The consciusness should come to a relaxed state by yoga.
To find this peace and understanding in yoga and meditation, various yoga practices have evolved over time that are nowadays individually fit to the practitioner ‘s needs.
In the beginner course not just the basic yoga positions but also dynamic exercise series like the sun salutation in addition to breathing exercises, which are also ideal for diving, are taught and practiced.
Victoria has been learning, practicing and teaching the already in the Middle Ages existing Hatha yoga. It is very physical and is the most commonly applied practice of yoga in the West. It is not important to be particularly athletic or articulated, even if instructions to asanas often let the suspect.
Who would like to try yoga, should simply take a trial class at Victoria.
Do you have any questions about scuba diving or yoga, Viki and Amed Scuba gladly help you to make your holiday interesting.
The price of a yoga class (90 min) costs you only a donation for Viki. You can contact Viktoria here:
Nice accommodation you can find in Amed Scuba in Amed - Bunutan. Here we can organise your yoga in the morning hours at our terrace.

Ort für Einführungstauchgang Personen Anzahl der Tauchgänge Preis
US. Liberty2 265 Euro/Pax
Jemeluk 2 2 65 Euro/Pax
Der Preis beinhaltet: Transport in der Gegend von Amed, Tulamben, Equipment, PADI Instructor, Gebühren, Theorie und 2 Tauchgänge mit maximal 2 Personen.

Tauchplatz Taucher min. Anzahl der TG Preis
Tulamben 2 2 50 Euro/Pax
Amed, Bunutan, Kubu, Jemeluk 2 2 55 Euro/Pax
Gili Selang, Batu Ksenie 2 2 65 Euro/Pax
Gili Tepekong/Mimpang (Shark Point) 2 2 65 Euro/Pax
Nusa Penida: Crystal Bay, Toyapakai or SD 3 2 130 Euro/Pax
Padang Bai 2 2 60 Euro/Pax
Menjangan Island, Puri Jati, Gilimanuk 2 2 90 Euro/Pax
Night Dive - 1 40 Euro/Pax
Der Preis beinhaltet: Transport, volles Equipment, divemaster, alle Gebühren. Lunchbox und Wasser nach Nusa Penida, Lembongan und Menjangan

Tauchreisen mit Amed Scuba

Kecil Tour7 Tage/6 Nächte10 Tauchgänge min. 2 Teilnehmer700.- Euro/Person
Besar Tour14 Tage/13 Nächte20 Tauchgängemin.2 Teilnehmer1400.- Euro/Person
Amed, Tulamben, Menjangan3 Tag/ 2 Nächte7 Tauchgängemin 2 Teilnehmer350,- Euro/Person
Andere Touren sind auf Absprache möglich und richten sich individuell am Interesse der Taucher aus

Freitag, 10. Januar 2014

Дайв-сафари. / Дополнительные услуги.


Amed Scuba
Дайв-сафари тур, мы рекомендуем для тех, кто желает совершить 2 больше погружений.
Покупать пакетом дайв-сафари выходит намного дешевле, чем платить за каждое погружение по отдельности.
В наших дайв-сафари мы погружаемся в областях Туламбена и Амеда. Здесь присутствует огромное разнообразие подводной жизни и красивых дайв-сайтов. Вам потребуется много времени, чтобы изучить местную флору и фауну: рыбы, твердые и мягкие кораллы и прочие морские обитатели.
Выбирая погружения с нами, вы получаете высокопрофессионального гида и, минимум, два погружения в день.
Amed Scuba
Пакет на 9 погружений включает следующие дайв-сайты: Amed, Jemeluk, Tulamben Drop off, Tulamben Shipwrack, Tulamben Coral Garden, Kubu, Bunutan, Japanese Shipwrack. Цена пакета на 9 погружений – 225 евро.
В пакет на 10 погружений входит 2 ночных погружения и дайв-сайты: Amed, Jemeluk, Tulamben Drop off, Tulamben Shipwrack, Tulamben Coral Garden, Kubu, Monkey Reef, Bunutan, Japanese Shipwreck. Цена пакета на 10 погружений - 250 евро, на 11 погружений – 275 евро.
Tirta Gangga Waterpalace
Специальный пакет дайв-сафари включает в себя посещение: Amed, Jemeluk, Monkey Reef, Tulamben Drop off, Tulamben Shipwrack, Batu Kelebit, Seraya, Gili Selang, Japanese Shipwrack, Blue Lagoon, White Beach, Kubu and Coral Garden. Цена пакета на 12погружений – 300 евро.
В стоимость пакета дайв-сафари включена: аренда оборудования, дайв-гид, трансфер, фрукты, закуски и легкие напитки.
После погружений Вы можете отдохнуть и выпить у нас фруктовый фреш, балийский кофе или пиво.

Дополнительные услуги.

Амед Скуба заберет Вас из аэропорта и доставит в любое удобное Вас место.
Lampujang Temple
Подберем для Вас жилье на территории Амеда и Карангасема (восточнее побережье) или других местах Бали. Вы можете выбрать жилье с видом на океан или в живописном саду, на берегу моря или в горах. В стоимость проживания входит завтрак.
Поможем Вам арендовать байк или машину. Вам понадобятся водительское удостоверение, так как полиция иногда останавливает для проверки документов. На Бали левостороннее движения, пожалуйста, изучите правила передвижения по острову. Вы можете нанять машину с опытным водителем, который с удовольствием отвезет вас в самые интересные и красивые места на острове.
Амед Скуба организует ознакомительные экскурсии в окрестностях Амеда. Мы покажем Вам
Ujung Waterpalace
Lampujang – храм в горах, самый главный на Бали, а также индуистский храм Besakih . Встретим рассвет на горе Агунг и полюбуемся живописными окрестностями. Посетим водные дворцы Ujung и Tirta Gangga, Bebanden, деревню Bali Aga, Tanganan и другие места на Бали. Вы увидите жизнь балийцев в их традиционной деревне, а также как производят арак. Для любителей рыбалки и желающих встретить рассвет в море, Амед Скуба организует туры на традиционных балийских лодках. Встреча рассвета начинается в 5.30 утра и если повезет, Вы встретите стаи дельфинов в море.
Балийцы очень любят детей! Каждый ребенок для них особенный! Мы с легкостью подберем няню для Вашего ребенка, пока вы будете погружаться.
Besakih Temple
Мечтаете попробовать настоящий балийский массаж, мы отвезем Вас в отличный спа-салон, где можно расслабиться и получить удовольствие от массажа.
Мы организуем незабываемый отдых на Бали, если Вам что-то понадобится, дайте нам знать!

Dienstag, 7. Januar 2014

Diving Sites in Bali with Amed Scuba Bali Diving Center


Amed is a little village living from fishing and salt panning. When you arrive you can see all this colourful wooden boats called jukung and the wooden squares where the people from Amed collect there salt from the seawater. You should have a look on it! Who is looking for an easy and nice beach and dive holiday – with family as well - will never forget Amed.
Amed`s greatest charm is its wide range and variety of sites. You can dive on a shipwreck,
vertical drop-offs, and pretty coral gardens and over sand slopes in a smooth drift dive. You will see unforgettable and for this island single hard coral formations substitute by a variety of colourful soft corals and marine life.
The shallow slopes are highly recommended for beginners and for snorklers because the beautifully corral gardens reaches directly under the surface and in the bay of Amed you will find no current. Therefore the bay is perfect for children as well! The visibility is usually very good (over 40 meters) because the volcano stones of the beach keep the water crystal-clear and gemstone blue.
You can start your dives directly from the beach and in the water you will find a splendid diversity of tropical fauna which includes next to the corals huge sponges, gorgonians, nudibranch and fishes. You will hear sweetlips and parrotfish making crazy noises under the water when they pick a coral for example or you see all these colourful reef fish like groups of surgeonfish and many more. Amed Scuba loves to show you all this beautiful diving sites in Bali. If you love to see more of Bali and the different diving sites we recommend the diving tour around Bali with Amed Scuba Bali diving center

 1. Jemeluk Drop-off
Bay of Jemeluk with chrystal clear water, housereef Amed Scuba

Amed offers excellent dive sites for training dives and shows all the beauty for experienced divers as well. The magnificent reef of Jemeluk which covers the total wide of the beach grounds starts directly in front of our dive school. If you enter the crystal-clear water you find a flat bottom lagoon for instruction and a drop-off, only a five minute swim away. This area can be highly recommended for introductory dives. And even if you are an experienced diver you will find along the wall always something new on each dive, no matter how many times you will dive here. It is a spectacular site for night dives as well.  
The wall falls down until app. 30 meters and it is covered with a variety of colourful hard and soft corals. You will see 3 meter gorgonian fans which are open in the smooth current to take there dinner and huge sponges with jumping craps and shrimps. There is a splendid diversity of big and small tropical fishes which include for example angelfish, batfish, barracuda, butterflyfish, napoleonfish, lionfish, parrotfish and Bumphead Parrotfish as well. Octopus shows us there talent to change there colour and we will see colourful nudibranch like Chromodoris and Phyllidia species. With a little luck you will discover Spanish Dancers and the Pink Nudibranch. This dive is recommended for all level of divers. You will dive against a very smooth currant in a dept of app. 20 meters along the wall and you come back with the current in shallower water to the point where you have been started.

2.  Amed Ghost Bay
Frogfishes are not so easy to spot

The coral garden reaches directly under the surface and follows a sandy slope until we reach the drop-off of app. 40 meters. In shallow water (on the sandy slope) the Indonesian government designated on concrete blocks a conservation area to rebuild the corals which were damaged before. Here you will see the coral growing and lots of fishes and “critters”. In the sand slope you can see blue spotted rays. blacktip and whitetip reef sharks sleep under Table Corals. Along the wall we find intact magnificent and colourful hard and soft corals. 
Sometimes there can be a current. For this smooth drift dive we are using local outriggers called jukung. These local fishing boats will follow us while we are diving and pick us up at the end of our dive to bring us back to the beach. This dive is recommended for beginners and experienced divers.

3. Bunutan
Eal Garden in Bunutan

Along a shallow slop which falls down from five until app. 40 meters you dive with a sometimes in a nice drift. You will discover an eel garden and wonderful coral formations at fife different diving sites here along the bay of Bunugan. 
In 28 meters you will find an interesting wall which shows us lots of different hard and soft corals. When we go with the current we can see schools of barracudas, boxfish, puffers, lionfish and whitetip and blacktip reef sharks. The boat will follow the experienced divers while the drift.

4. The Japanese Shipwreck
Japanese Wreck, Amed Scuba

South of Amed in a little bay you will find a small steel and wooden shipwreck. We don’t know anything about the history of this wreck but we can highly recommend diving this site.
The freighter lies in shallow water from 3 until 15 meters. It is wonderful encrusted with colourful christmas trees, soft corals, gorgonians and black corals. You will see lots of big and small reef fish which have found a home inside the freighter. The rich variety of colourful species makes this dive site so special. Also the area around the boat is rich of species like nudibranch, lobster, barracuda, tuna and lots of colourful reef fishes. Because we will find always a little current in this place a boat will follow the divers and pick them up at the end of the dive. This dive site is also recommended for beginners.

 5. Gili Selang
A cloud of Anthias in one of nicest coral gardens in the world, Amed Scuba

Gili Selang is for me one of the most beautiful dive sites in Bali and in the world! But it is not possible to dive here as beginner because you will find a strong rotate up- and down current like in a washing machine. And this dive is also only possible if the conditions are good! We reach the dive site with a traditional Balinese outrigger called jukung. The small island Gili Selang is divided from Bali through an only five meter deep channel.  
North of the island is a shallow lagoon where we start our dive. Here you will find a marine life which is virtually untouched. This underwater world offers a rich array of fish and hard and soft coral which you see nowhere else. The lagoon is only 18 meters deep and you will notice similar no current. If you leave the lagoon to dive around the island you find a wall falling down in the deep blue. Sometimes you will find here a very strong up and down current. You should be an experienced diver to stand this washing machine! With a little luck you can see here hammerhead sharks as well.

 6. Seraya

North of Amed on the way to Tulamben you find Seraya. We start the dive from the boat. In only fife meters small coral formation and white hydrozoans grow on black lava stones and sponges as well. You will find here a countless number of small marine lives. You will see different kind of colourful nudibranch, different kind of seahorses (like Pygmy Seahorses, Thorny Seahorses or Kuda Seahorse or Ghost Pipefish) and a lot of colourful reef fishes as well. It is a spectacular dive site for mug diving like in Secret Bay or in Monkey Reef! It is highly recommended for underwater photographers!

7. Batu Kelebit

Batu Kelebit is a beautiful place to dive and can be only reached by the traditional Balinese outrigger sailing boats called Jukung. Batu Kelebit is situated between Amed and Tulamben in front of a steep cliff, which offers no way on foot to the sea. If you like dive sites with lots of soft and hard coral, gorgonians, and plenty of macro-scale life, where you can see big animals as well as fantastic underwater structure you will love this place! Here you will find one of the best dive sites of Bali!


The former fishing village Tulamben is located in the northeast of Bali on the main road to Singaraja. It lies about 20 minutes away from Amed and one hour from Candi Dasa towards north. The team of Amed Scuba love to show you the beauty of the wreck. My prefered time for this dive is the early morning dive in the Liberty. On your way to Amed or Tulamben you will have magnificent views over rice fields in beautiful valleys up to the steep mountains. On some lookouts you have a breathtaking view to the Mount Agung. In Tulamben you find some good accommodation for all budgets and a costal reef with the U.S.A.T. Liberty shipwreck. More quite you can stay in the only a few kilometres distant fishing village Amed.
In Tulamben you can dive three dive sites from the shore. Sometimes the waves are a little bit bigger and to entrance the water can be a little more difficult. It is better to ware the dive shoes on the slippery stone beach.

1. U.S.A.T. Liberty Shipwreck 
USS Liberty

One of the best known dive sites in Bali is the U.S. Liberty. The original freighter was 125 meter long and 16 meter wide.
The American ship was torpedoed in the Lombok-Street at the 11th of January in 1942 from a Japanese submarine. Because the boat had a load of military charge the crew tries to bring it into the harbour of Singeraja. But it starts to sink faster and faster therefore the crew decided to go ashore in Tulamben. Nobody of the crew was hurt and they safe all the military cargo.
On the beach of Tulamben the steel shipwreck began to rust. The lava of the 1963 erupted volcano Agung brought the ship back into the sea.
You can easily reach the shipwreck from the beach and you can dive around it or into it. Because there is usually no current this dive can be recommend for beginners as well as for experienced divers. In the area of the shipwreck you will have a look on lots of big fish like barracudas, napoleon wrasse, surgeonfish and many other reef fishes which have found a safe home inside the wreck.
The wreck is wonderful encrusted with soft and hard corals. We dive the shipwreck from 3 until 32 meters. The safety stop will be in five meter in an interesting eel garden. We can highly recommend this dive site for snorkelers as well because you can reach the ship from three until five meter under the surface. 

2. Tulamben Drop off 

At the south end of the bay of Tulamben we start our dive directly from the shore. When we enter the water
Barracuda in Tulamben
from the beach we usually find a really big group of Jackfish. They are swimming in circles and inside you can see sometimes other fishes looking for protection. In the shallower water several small spurs lead off into the bay. We only swim around the corner of big volcanic rocks and dive down to a wonderful and rich wall. This drop-off is an old lava flow as well. The wall goes down from fifteen meters about seventy. It is a steep, rough and even undercut a bit what makes this dramatic topography of this beautiful reef. Here you will find impress hard and soft coral formations, huge gorgonians, amazing big sponges and Agropora species. Interesting is the variety of different reef fishes as well. Sometimes we see here a bumphead parrotfish group. These are amazing fishes. They are huge and with there bumphead they are looking very majestic when they pass by. We will find here and in Jemeluk many different kinds of Angelfishes like king angelfish, emperor angelfish, yellow-mask angelfish, regal angelfish or the blue girdeled angelfish. Colourful as well are all the different kind of butterfly fishes and all the other reef fishes. Here you can also find the blue stripped snapper.
It is a very easy dive. You only need to have a look on your depth and your buoyancy when you are diving. We will dive against a smooth current and he will bring us back to the place where we have started.
The safety stop will be at the corner of the protected bay in shallow water where you will see lots of fishes in the corals as well.

3. Tulamben Coral Garden 

Directly in front of the hotels stretches a shallow slope along the beach down into a coral garden. This coral garden in Tulamben is a perfect place for snorkelling. The coral garden starts in two meters and falls down until app. 15 meters.
In this nice coral garden live lots of reef fishes in spectacular hard and soft corals. Here you can see very pretty blue, yellow and black ribbon moray eels. The blue ones are the females and the black ones are the males which can become 120 cm. You can see here also a lot of different ghost pipefish and box fishes. In a weld fuselage you can see some small and big reef fishes as well.
This dive side is a perfect place for introductory, for beginner and dive refreshing courses. And it is perfect for everybody who takes his time to look for all this huge variety of smaller critters.

4. Kubu / Monkey Reef 
New shipwreck in Kubu

North of Tulamben you will find a little fishing village called Kubu. Here you will find two wonderful dive sites which we can enter by the shore. This is one of the most interesting places in Bali to see all the different kinds of hard and soft corals in which lots of small animals have found there home. You can see nudibranch, pygmy seahorses, harlequin shrimps, durban hinge-beak prawns or banded boxer shrimps, etc. Sometimes you can see turtles here and sleeping reef sharks at this beautiful dive place. Here you will also find a new shipwreck in 18 meter going down to 35meter. It was an old ferry which sank at this place.


Dive helmet pic

Padang Bai 

This little ferry harbour is located at the east coast of Bali on the way from Klungkung to Candi Dasa only a few kilometres away from the main road. Padang Bai situated in a beautiful bay with white sand beach and crystal clear gemstone blue water next to the harbour. It is a perfect location for relaxation or walking on pristine white sand beaches, for fishing, snorkelling or diving as well as it is a cultural destination with one of the oldest temples in Bali. Visit the over 1000 years old interesting Silayukti Temple and you will see authentic Balinese ceremonies at this place. The Silayukti Temple is one of the four oldest temples in Bali. The Hindu priests who came from Java to Bali more then 1000 years ago brought the Hinduism to our beautiful island. They started with strong and deep meditation at this place.
If you pass the harbour where you can catch a ferry to Lombok and you go to the north (left) you will visit a little fishing village called Padang Bai.
From here a lot of interesting dive sites can be easily reached by boat. In some of this dive sites it is easy to dive but in others you will need some experience to feel good! Have a look in our descriptions and make your decision. 

1. Blue Lagoon (Tanjung Sari) 

This varied dive site in the north-east of Padang Bai offers dives for novice divers but the wall is also interesting for experienced divers. It is a very good place to start diving again after a pause. In shallow water in the depth of three until five meters you can exercise your buoyancy first on a sandy slope and visit afterwards a wonderful wall which is falling down until 30 meters. Here you will notice a variety of healthy hard and soft corals and a lot of smaller critters which tend to stay in more sheltered areas. On this boat dive you can see a lot of gorgonians, shrimps and prawns, sweetlips, perch, scorpion fish, frog fish and the blue and yellow striped ribbon eel and lots of colourful nudibranches. In 20 meters you can visit sometimes sleeping reef sharks and from august to September you can look of Mola mola.
Blue Lagoon is a perfect beach for snorkelling as well and the white sand invites you for relaxation.  

2. White Beach (Bias Tugal) 

Bias Tugel is one of the most popular beaches with pristine white sand and a couple of small warungs which serve food and drinks. White Beach is located in the south of Padang Bai a perfect place for relaxation and snorkeling as well. But sometimes the waves can be a little bit bigger here. Only a few meters away from the beach we start our boat dive at a pretty drop off falling down into the deep blue. Here you will see a variety of different soft and hard corals. In the depth area you will see lots of gorgonians which are the home of tinny little pigmy-seahorses and you will look of ghostpipefish, scorpionfish, batfish, nudibranches etc. It is a good place to see Mola mola from august to September as well. 

3. Padang Bai Chanel 

Only 100 metres away from the beach this dive site starts near the harbour where you will visit a beautiful drop off with little caves inside. Sometimes you can see sharks, turtles and Stingrays and Mola mola as well from august to september. 

4. Gili Biaha („Shark Cave“) 

This is a dive site for experienced divers! At this dive side the conditions can vary quite dramatically. Depending on the waves and currents which can be strong and unpredictable some days this dive site can be easy or quite difficult sometimes. The currents can be like a washing machine. When we arrive with the boat at this place we can watch this. On the island is a Blow-hole. If the conditions are fine the water is quiet. If the waves are high water will be pressed into the cave which is located app. seven meters under the surface. In this time it is impossible to dive here. In the cave you can look of sleeping white-tip reef sharks. The cave is big enough that some divers can swim together into it. If the conditions for the dive are fine the boat will follow us along a nice wall falling down into the deep blue. 

5. Mimpang / Batu Tiga  

At this dive site we start at a slope and follow it down until we find a nice drop off. This drop off is rich of hard and soft coral species and colourful fish. You will see huge gorgonians and sometimes reef sharks cross our way. You can watch big schools of different fish and it is hard to identify all the different animals you can see on this dive site. Sometimes the current can be a little bit stronger but you will know at this place where it comes from. Right at the end of the dive you should be a little bit more careful, because at the end of the wall there is a downward current which can bring you 40 meters down if you are not careful. 

6. Tepekong (Island of the goat) 

The small - only 50 meter long - island is surrounded by deep blue water.
We start our dive in a canyon. Dense hard and soft coral colonies are growing on big basalt stone blocks. Huge groups of fishes will swim around us and with a little luck you will see reef sharks as well as moonfishes.
This dive site can be the same like in Gili Biaha. Therefore we can recommend this place only for experienced divers! At the wall on the east side you can find sometimes strong down currents which can make this dive difficult as well.


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In the north-west of Bali you will find this beautiful 1, 5 km long and only 500 meter spread out island called Menjangan which belongs to the Bali Barat National park and it is one of the most protected dive sites in Bali. The National Park Office limits the number of visitors who are allowed to dive here. The dive sites belong to an underwater protected area. Fishing is forbidden and therefore we have a good chance to see also big fish. You will find here the best coral formations and reefs in Indonesia! This dive site is one of the best in the world! Australian Biologists have counted 46 different kinds of Agropora here!                                              
We start opposite the island from the national park office in small wooden vessels. The island is only 30 minutes away from the main land.
On the island you find a bird sanctuary and the oldest temple in Bali where the Balinese Hindu people are celebrating there full-moon ceremonies. 
You can dive Menjangan any time of the year because the island is situated protected enough to provide good diving even during the rainy season. You can choose your dive side on the north or the south depending on the soft current and the direction of the wind. The visibility at Menjangan is one of the best in Bali and reaches sometimes 50 meters! It is possible to dive all around the island at more than ten different dive sites. And also if there are plenty of different dive sites around Menjangan the best area is stretch along the southeast coast of the island and from the northwest down into the channel between Menjangan and the main land. Our favourite dive spot is Pos Dua and Garden Eal. At the drop off the nooks and crannies are rich.  You find huge gorgonians and beautiful little paccagnella´s. You see hundreds of angelfish, butterfly fish, anthias, gobies you will see all the different reef fish swimming here! Quite often you can see turtles here as well. If you are lucky you can find here also whale sharks and moon fish but also if you don’t see them it is one of the best dive sides in Bali!  
The National park office offers some guided walks through the rainforest of the National Park of Bali Barat.
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Nusa Penida, Nusa Caningan und Nusa Lembongan

These islands are located in the southeast of Bali in the Lombok Strait between Lombok and Bali. Nusa Penida is the largest of the small islands. To the northwest lie two smaller islands called Nusa Ceningan and Nusa Lembongan. Bali and Lombok are separated through a deep water ditch. This line is also a geographical border called Wallace-Line. Therefore Bali and Lombok show a different flora and fauna. One is more in Asian and the other is more in Australian influence. It was impossible for the plants and animals to cross this geographical border because in this Strait water is exchanged between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Measurement shows an annual mean transport of around 1.7 million cubic meter water per second. This means in the end you will find here a very strong current! Most of these dives are not for beginners! Here you will find often very strong and unpredictable currents and undertows. The underwater world is very rich of species and you will find them in huge numbers because with all the cold and fresh water comes also plenty of nutrient to feed all this numbers of animals. The visibility is absolutely clear and the sight is more than 30 meters. The dives will be around the high tide because then the currents are smoother.
You will find here some really remarkable animals - the Mola Mola sunfish as well as large pelagic fish such as tunas, rays, manta rays, different kind of mackerels and sharks (even grey reef sharks, white-tip sharks) or turtles in pristine hard coral reefs.
All dive sites are steep slopes or walls which go down very deep. If you want to have an impression of the currents in this area have a look an this satellite maps from the University of Hamburg:

Nusa Penida is a dive site where one should be conservative because of the strong currents! Always stick close to the reef! In difficult dive sites we will go with only one customer for one diveguide. Listen to the advice of your dive operator and the boat skipper, and always stay close to your group, then the conditions are, if not easy, at least manageable. 

Nusa Penida 

Nusa Penida is the largest of the three islands and has many interesting dive sites. Do you want to see a Manta Ray? You'll have a very good chance because there is a Manta cleaning-station at the south of the island. From july to september you can have the fortune of seeing sunfish (Mola mola). Mola molas belong to the family of Puffers and reach a size of three meters. Therefore they are the biggest bony fishes on the earth. Padang Bai and here are the only places in the world where you can see them regulary from July to September -usually they live in the deep blue. Here in Bali there are some cleaning-stations where the sunfish get cleaned by banner fishes. In spite of their huge size, sunfish only have a tiny little mouth to suck for example jellyfish. 

1. Crystal Bay

Nusa Penida´s Crystal Bay is part of the Ceningan Channel which divides Nusa Penida from Nusa Ceningan. Outside of the bay there is a strong current because the water which flow down the Lombok Strait has to pass this Channel between Nusa Penida and Nusa Ceningan. Inside of the bay you will dive in sparkling clear water protected from the current and it is possible to go snorkeling as well or relaxing at the white sand beach of this beautiful bay. The visibility here is very good! At the wall you can see sunfish cleaning station where Mola molas get cleaned by groups of bannerfishes. But you can see so much more marine life at this place like sharks and eagle rays or large school of glasfish as well as redtooth triggerfishes, schooling bannerfishes, doctorfishes, anthias, and angelfishes everywhere.
Approximately ten meters under the surface you will find the entrance to an underwater cave. Inside the cave there is a hole where you can see the sky and on the ceiling of this cave bats are sleeping. 

2. Gamat Bay 

The conditions of this dive site are nearly the same like in Crystal Bay. Gamat Bay is located between Crystal Bay and Toyapakeh. Inside the small Bay in some shallower areas you will find similar no current. Here it is possible to snorkel between nice coral formations, mantis shrimps, leaffishes, nudibranchs and dragonets. If you swim to the corner of the bay the protection ends and you will start a drift dive along a beautiful wall where the boat will follow the dive group. Here you can see eagle rays and sharks and sunfish.


This little bay is located at the beginning of the Ceningan Channel in the northwest of Nusa Penida where the ferries from Bali arrive. This little Bay is partially protected from the strong current flowing through this small channel. You will find the same conditions in this Bay like in the other ones in the Ceningan Channel. You will see pretty hard and soft coral formations like gorgonians, huge table corals and pillars. Big group of fish can be seen as well as sunfish and sharks. South of the bay where the Ceningan channel begins there is a beautiful wall with rocky overhangs and caves. If the current is not to strong and the waves not so big we can do a nice drift dive along the wall.

4.SD (Sekolah Desar) 

At the top in the north of Nusa Penida you find the dive sites Sekolah Desar (SD), Sental, Ped and Sampalan. At this point all the water which flow down from the Pacific meets the cost of the small island and divides. Some water flow down the west coast into the Ceningan Channel and some flow to the east side. The conditions you can expect are fast currents which sometimes change there direction.
Try to stay together in your group but this can be difficult and the distances covered during the drift dive can be amazing and your air bubbles will rise behind, in front, below and in whirls around you. It is a wild ride! And only possible for experienced divers, good dive guides and very good skippers.
These dive sites are steep slopes and walls covered with corals and sponges. The best dive site is probably SD. It is possible to see large pelagics like manta rays, white tip and black tip shark, barracuda, tuna, sun fish or even very rare whale sharks! 

Manta Point 
Mantas with Amed Scuba

The conditions at the southeast cost of Nusa Penida can be quite rough. The coastline is wild with divided high and white limestone rocks and high waves tossing against it. The conditions do not allow diving here all the time. Depending on the large waves crashing against the high cliffs we can sometimes not reach this dive site all the time. We dive in two bays which are a little bit more protected. Because of the high waves you will find nearly no corals here. The only reason to dive this site is to have a look at the mantas! The cleaning station operating with huge groups of wrasses can be found in four until twelve meters. Therefore it is not necessary to dive deep the mantas are gathering around this shallow cleaning station and we can wait for them. These huge animals with a span of seven meters seem to arrive out of the deep blue. It looks like they are flying under the water. In the time when they will be cleaned you can carefully swim closer to them. Diving with these huge animals is an amazing feeling!                         

Nusa Lembogan: Blue Corner (Ental Point) 

Depending on the tide the dive conditions can change at this dive site at the northwest corner of Nusa Lembogan very fast. Therefore this dive site can be only strongly recommended for experienced divers. Refer to the other dive sites you should dive here at the time around the high tide as well to avoid the strong current. Sometimes you will say after the dive this dive side is the greatest I have ever seen or you will say outright boring or dangerous, depending on the current you will find. But if there is no current at all large animals are rare. And if the swell getting up from the south with big waves the visibility can be very bad. But if all conditions are good this is one of the best dive sites in Bali. You will dive at this dive site for a longer time at 30 meters into a wide canyon. Therefore you will need a dive computer. You will follow a steep slope with overhangs and outcroppings. When we start our dive we will first try to hide behind some of these outcroppings or overhangs to protect ourselves against the current. Some of the big fish will do the same. If we are lucky we will see manta rays and bannerfish as a sunfish cleaning station.

Early Morning dive in the USS. Liberty

From Dust Till Dawn
Sunrise with Amed Scuba
Green Humbhead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum), Amed Scuba

It is a new day on the coral reef and the purple dust can be seen on the horizon. It is the time between the night and the promisses of a new day. The time of Amed Scuba´s early morning dive in the USS Liberty shipwreck. The dive begins as the sun rises slowly overhead. It is a calm and peaceful moment of the day as the vertebrata and invertebrata of the night not jet find their niche to sleep off their night time activities, while the creatures of the day slowly wake up hungry and rise.
Having bagged the first image of the day we move to the Liberty wreck in calm chrystal clear water and spots a group of huge bumbhead parotfishes lazily waiting for the rest of their group to move to their food places. Suddenly they move together away from thir night time hiding place in the Liberty shipwreck and the fishes are prepaired for another day of grazing the algae from the reefs and peered out to check the horizon for a tasty patch of food. Parrotfishes are a
Green Humbhead Parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum), Amed Scuba
group of about 90 species traditionally regarded as a family (Scaridae), but now often considered a subfamily (Scarinae) of the wrasses. They are found in relatively shallow tropical and subtropical oceans throughout the world, displaying their largest species richness in the Indo Pacific.They play a significant role in bioerosion. Parrotfish are named for their dention, which also is distinct from that of other labrids. Their numerous teeth are arranged in a tightly packed mosaic on the external surface of their jaw bones, forming a parrot-like beak with which they rasp algae from coral and other rocky substrates (which contributes to the process of bioerosion).
Maximum sizes vary within the family, with the majority of species reaching 30–50cm in length. However the green bumphead parrotfish can reach up to 1.3m. Although they are considered to be herbivores, parrotfish eat a wide variety of reef organisms, and they are not necessarily vegetarian. Species such as the green humbhead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum)
include coral in their diets. Their feeding activity is important for the production and distribution of coral sands in the reef biome, and can prevent algae from choking coral. One parrotfish can produce 90kg of sand each year. (Wikipedia )
As the sun rises higher in the sky the bumbheads have disapeared and another hunter of the nightfind his niche. A moray eel retreats into his burrow to awit a darker moment and recommence his hunting. The largest in terms of total mass is the giant moray (Gymnothorax javanicus), which reaches 3m in length and 30kg in weight. It is so amazing to watch this giant swimming around the wreck of the Liberty.
As the sun crept over the reef crest, we came across a school of adolescent golden batfish cruising the wall. In this species, the juvenile is very similar to the adult form. This isn’t the case for some other species of batfish where the juvenile Pinnate mimics a toxic flatworm, the juvenile Batavia is black and white striped to hide among feather stars and the juvenile Circular, which is an almost exact replica of a leaf.
Lion fishes are highly venomous, Amed Scuba
The Lion fish wake up and we see him as he hovers above the corals, looking for a tasty morsel to become his next victim. The common lionfish is among the most beautiful fish on the coral reef. Vividly contrasting coloration warns predators away from its highly venomous spines. Lionfish belongs to the family Scorpaenidae, scorpionfish. The same like leavefish, crocodile fish...Most species in this large family are well comouflaged by flaps, tassels and coloration matching the bottom terrain. And all the members of this family have one thing in common – They are all venomous to a greater or lesser extent.
Predatiors lurking, already awaiting thir breakfast, little frogfishes are difficult to spot, completely disguised as a part of his surroundings. It lives in perfect camouflage. Frogfish coloration varies from species to species, and even whithin the same species.
Textures range from smooth velvety skin to algea or sponge covered warts, and even spots that look just like those of sponge.

With the creation of nudibranchs, nature expresses its wildest indulgence of colors and forms. There are
Spanish Dancer, Amed Scuba
more than 3000 described species of nudibranch, with new ones being identified almost every day. Their size ranges from just a few millimeters to around 300mm. They can be found in all the oceans of the world and within most habitats, but are more abundant in shallow, tropical waters such as Bali. Even the egg ribbons can come in an amazing array of size, shapes, colour and design, depending on species, and are usually laid on or near food sources.
Beschreibung der Tauchgebiete in Tulamben in deutscher Sprache: