Freitag, 28. Februar 2014

Lombok und die Gili-Inseln vor Lombok

Wasserfall in Lombok
Küste vor Lombok mit Blick auf die Gili´s

Die Gili-Inseln

Vor der nordwestlichen Küste von Lombok gibt es drei Inseln, bekannt als die Gilis. Diese drei Tropfen im Ozean haben Touristen seit Jahrzehnten angezogen; aber es gab Zeiten, als sie nicht auf dem Tourismus-Radar waren! Aber jetzt sind sie immer ein Magnet für Touristen aus der ganzen Welt.
Wer von uns war nicht fasziniert von von Cousteau, wenn er Schwärme von millionen farbige kleine Anthias über schöne Korallengärten fütterte. Die Gilis sind ein Paradies für Schnorchler, um in das türkisblaue und glasklare Meer einzutauchen und sich am feinen weißen Sandstrand zu erholen. Auch wenn viele Korallengärten auf den Gilis früher bombardiert worden waren, gibt es hier immer noch eine große Anzahl von Schildkröten, die man direkt beim Schnorchenln vom Strand aus findet.
Einsame Strände in Lombok
Die drei Inseln (alle in Sichtweite des Festlands) haben jede ihre eigene einmalige Identität und jede zieht eine andere Art von Reisenden zu sich an, die auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Urlaubsplatz sind. Die Inseln sind in vielen Reiseführern zu finden, aber durch den Tourismus wachsen sie auch schnell mit ihren Möglichkeiten an und passen sich den Bedürfnissen der Touristen an, die sie besuchen. Ein schnelles Wachstum und eine schnelle Veränderung ist zu verzeichnen. Auf den Inseln findet sich jetzt zuverlässig Strom und auch Geldautomaten sind mitlerweile hier zu finden, neben einer großen Auswahl an Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten. Etwas, das sich jedoch nicht verändert hat, ist der heiter Charme, die jeder der Inseln besitzt, was sicherlich auch der Tatsache geschuldet ist, dass es hier auf der Insel keine motorisierten Fahrzeuge gibt, nur Ponys (Cidomo) und Fahrräder sind neben Fussgängern zulässig. Dies wiederum hält die Gillis, wunderbar ruhig und friedlich.
Beginnend mit der größten der drei Inseln, Gilli Trawangan (oft abgekürzt Gili T), ist sofort klar, warum diese die populärste ist. Mit einer etablierten Bar-, Hotel und Musikszene gibt es eine Option für fast jeden Geldbeutel und jeden Stil. Der Reisende findet hier die kleine entspannte Bungalowanlage direkt am Strand oder größere Hotels mit viel Liebe zum Detail.
Das gleiche gilt für die unterschiedlichen Bars und das Essen auf der Insel. Aber auch lokale Märkte sind hier immer noch zu finden.Gilli T und sein nächtlicher Lebensmittelmarkt am Strand bieten fantastische Qualität in einem schlichten Rahmen. Auch mit einem wachsenden Markt der Flash-Packer (Backpackers mit höherem als durchschnittlichem Reisegeld) und Luxus-Urlauber haben eine Reihe von Top-Restaurants mit gutem Ruf für fantastische Qualität entstehen lassen. Hier findet man organische australische Steaks mit Insel-Gemüse, gepaart mit einem guten südafrikanischen Rotwein? Das hat natürlich seinen Preis!
Rinjani in Lombok

Party-Tier-Insel, so wird Gili Travangan in vielen Reiseführern beschrieben und das ist absolut richtig! Party! Abendliche Live-Musik und Sets von internationalen DJ´s werden die Party-Szene der Insel wohl nicht enttäuschen. Drogen werden überall am Strand und direkt in den Bars angeboten und es sei davor gewarnt! Aber es ist auch nicht schwer, dem Lärm zu entkommen und sich an einem abgelegenen Strand, besonders an der meist unbebauten westlichen Küste der Insel zu entspannen. Es findet sich deutlich mehr Nachtleben auf Trawangan als auf den anderen Insel. Aber entdecken kann man auch die entspannten Restaruants und Strand-Cafes direkt am Strand, wo man einen entspannten Drink genießen kann und eine sehr gute Qualität bei dem Essen vorfindet.
Die kleinste bewohnte Insel der drei Lombok Gilis ist Gili Meno. Meno war ursprünglich das Herz des Tourismus auf den Gilis, aber nach einem Rückgang der Besucherzahlen in den späten neunziger Jahren, blieb Meno über viele Jahre fast verlassenen. Nun kommen die Touristen zurück, um das Robinson Crusoe-Gefühl an weichen goldfarbenen Sandstränden zu genießen. Essen und Unterkünfte gibt es deutlich weniger und die Möglichkeiten sind wesentlich begrenzter als auf den anderen Inseln, aber die Insel bietet wohl Gili´s beste Strände - weicher goldener Sand und das klare türkisfarbene Wasser. Auf Gili Meno finden sich noch menschenleere Strände. Hierher kommen Sie, wenn Sie eine einsame Insel suchen oder verliebt auf Hochzeitsreise Hand in Hand über weiße Strände wandern wollen. Ein Flitterwochen Paradies! Ein Erlebnis, dass sie nie wieder vergessen werden!
Die dritte Insel heißt Gili Air, sie liegt dem Festland am nächsten und hat die größte indigene Bevölkerung der Sasak. Gili Air ist eine Mischung aus Gili T und Gili Meno. Hier findet der Tourist alle Annehmlichkeiten von Gilli Travangan, gepaart mit die Ruhe von Gili Meno.
Es gibt einen atemberaubend schönen Sonnenuntergang über dem Gunung Agung auf Bali zu bestaunen.

Hochzeit in Lombok

Hinduhochzeit auf Lombok

Hinduhochzeit auf Lombok

Kristanz beim Odalanfest in Lombok

Odalan in Lombok

Montag, 24. Februar 2014

Amed - Underwater Dreamland

Greatings from Bali
Standing Out to Fit In

When you dive or snorkel at Amed diving sites you are not just seeing some of the most pristine coral reefs on the
Amed Scuba, Diana and Stephan in Gili Selang
planet, but also some of the most diverse collection of marine creatures. Even veteran divers tell us they see many species on Amed´s reefs that they have only read about. Here guests encounter a wide variety of species, many of which have developed fascinating adaptations that result in dramatic colours, shapes and sizes.
From the small and hidden to the flamboyant and unusual, the coral reefs of the area of Amed is home to more than 900 fish species, each uniquely adapted to it's chosen home environment. During a single trip, on Ameds reefs - like here in Gili Selang - guest observed and recorded 426 different species of fish, and never went below 15 meters during any dive! 
Amed Scuba: Viktoria Kleyer, group of Anthias


Amed Scuba, Anthias
The intensity of the male squarespot anthia's coloration is amazing. Males are predominantly pink with a lavender belly and have a purple square spot on each side, where as the females on the other hand have a less conspicuous (for an Anthia) yellowish orange coloration with a lavender belly. The male’s acrobatic swimming display acts as a signal to rival males of his territorial boundaries, while also enticing another potential mate for his harem. But before this male was a he, it was a she. Confused?
Amed Scuba, Anthias
Anthias are protogynous hermaphrodites, meaning they start out as female only to become a male when the time is right, such as when a colony loses too many males. When this occurs, the older, more dominant female’s reproductive organs undergo a transformation, identified by a change in the fish’s coloration to a more vibrant lavender and purple.

Pygmy Seahorse

Follow along for a glimpse at some of the spectacular reef denizens—such as this Pygmy seahorse—that have adapted to fit in, but also stand out on Amed 's reefs.

Fabio Strazzi, Amed Scuba: Hippocampus bargibanti
Drifting down the wall in Amed a few minutes into the dive, our guide locates a pygmy seahorse and we get off several great portrait shots. Next on our list is another pygmy seahorse. 
Denise's pygmy seahorse (Hippocampus denise) is a species of fish in the Syngnathidae family. Originally described from Indonesia and other places. Pygmy seahorses are among the most well camouflaged species in the oceans, being very difficult to spot amongst the gorgonian coral they live in.
Hippocampus denise is tiny, growing only to a total length of 1.5 cm. It is orange and resembles the pygmy seahorse, Hippocampus bargibanti, though its tubercles are less distinct. Wikipedia
Fabio Strazzi, Hippocampus Denise
Did you know there are seven species of pygmy seahorse? Four of these are found on the reefs of Bali. There are the two species of gorgonian-associated pygmies (Bargibant’s and Denise’s), as well as the brown Severn’s and Pontoh’s pygmy seahorse. Pontoh’s pygmy is actually quite common at Bali and can be identified by its predominantly white colouration and small size (maximum 1.6 cm). It’s usually found living in or around patches of Halimeda algae.


Perhaps the most fascinating of coral reef fish adaptations are the variety of brilliant and bizarre color patterns that adorn them. Many fish often take on the color patterns of their environment, either to sneak up on prey, or to hide from predators, like this black frogfish nestled amongst the sponge, coral, hydroids and tunicates– yes, that is a frogfish!

Antennarius maculatus, also known as the Warty frogfish or Clown frogfish, is a Marine fish belonging to the family Antennariidae.
Antennarius maculatus is a small sized fish which grows up to 15 centimetres. Like other members of its
Amed Scuba, Clown Frogfish
family, it has a globulous, extensible body, the soft skin is covered with small dermal spinules. The skin is covered with numerous small wartlike protuberances. Its large mouth is prognathous and allows it to consume prey its same size. The coloring of the body is extremely variable from a specimen to another one because they always tend to match their living environment. Frogfishes have the capacity to change coloration and pigment pattern in few weeks, average 2 to 5 weeks only. However, the dominant coloration goes from white to black passing through a whole range of related nuances like cream, pink, yellow, red, brown and also often with dark circular spots and/or with saddles. Wikipedia

While color can be a key component for finding a mate, for some species like the frogfish above, drawing attention visually is not necessarily the best form of flirting. Frogfish survive by making themselves as inconspicuous as possible, so when it comes time to broadcasting their intentions, they do so chemically, by releasing distinctive scent or ‘pheromone’ into the water. This is handy as subtlety is important when there are plenty of other species of fish that would also happily make you a meal.


One of the most bizarre fish you may ever encounter is the Pegasus sea moth. As these small crustacean eaters move along sandy bottoms, with large wing-like
Amed Scuba, Pegasus
pectoral fins extended while using their pectoral fins in a waddling motion, they seem more bird than a fish. The fish's beak-like snout accentuates this illusion. The Pegasus sea moth can change colors based on its surroundings, much like the chameleon, and every so often, they shed their skin like a snake.

Snake Eel

A snake eel spends most of its life buried in sand or rubble, with only its head protruding from the seafloor. Many snake eels have very small fins or lack them entirely as this makes it easier to burrow. They are patient hunters, waiting for a small fish, a foraging octopus or a careless crab to ample past. When a prey item gets too close, it lunges forward and latches on with its strong jaws and many sharp teeth. When it wants to change ambush sites, it usually does so after dark. A lucky diver who sees one relocating during a night dive may confuse it with a sea snake, as many types of snake eels will display a similar spotted or striped coloration to deter predators.
Amed Scuba, snake eel


The name cuttlefish is misleading, as they are not a fish but an invertebrate - member to the squid and octopus family. When it comes to both standing out and fitting in, they have it all going on. Masters of camouflage and disguise, cuttlefish use their color changing ability to blend in with the reef background when they want to sneak up on unsuspecting fish or evade a larger predator.

Amed Scuba, Cuttlefish
This evasive tactic of imitating the environment makes them hard to spot, sometimes even when looking straight at one. Then in a flash, they can stand out like a neon sign, changing hues and color patterns with mind-boggling speed. Once discovered by a diver or snorkeler, a cuttlefish will watch with a seemingly intelligent eye, waving his tentacles and—for those who wait calmly, patiently and quietly—appearing to seek animal-to-human interaction. Cuttlefish are regulars on Amed's reefs, but you have to look closely to find one.


Most fish found on coral reefs are ray-finned. These skeletal arrays in a fish's fins provide the stiffness needed to serve as paddles for locomotion or stabilizers. Sometimes, these stiffer stabilizing fins can become a form of defense – and act as a distraction, serving as a warning as well as partial camouflaging. The lionfish has several adaptations; for example, his spinal array is both wickedly sharp and carries a brutally painful toxin, whereas his pectoral fins are soft and feathery serving both to confuse and broadcast to a predator “don’t mess with me.” 
Amed Scuba, Lionfish
Fish can use color patterns to mimic their surroundings and create camouflage. Sometimes, thise patterns are so elaborate that they become art. The tasseled scorpionfish has adapted to look like a part of something growning on the sea floor. But its flamboyant coloration and elaborate fin appendages are so vivid that they almost seem to defeat the initial purpose of not standing out. And just as each human fingerprint is unique, so too are many of the colorations and patterns of the reef dwellers. Where one variety will parade about like a peacock in a riot of colors, other species, such as the crocodilefish, have developed cryptic markings and hues for the dual purpose of avoiding larger predators through camouflage, and ambushing unsuspecting prey that swims by.
Open-water species often display simple counter-shaded colorations such as a light underside and a dark or blue-gray back, rendering them less obvious when seen from above or below. Reef species, on the other hand, take a different tact, featuring an array of colors and patterns that either boldly stand out, or masterfully mimic the surroundings of the reef they call
home. Many of these colors and patterns are a form of adaptation - from the obvious to provide concealment, or to openly broadcast “I am here.” Of course, the reasons behind some of the more flamboyant colorations are not always easily identified. 

Thank you for sharing some diving experiences with Amed Scuba Bali Diving Center.
If you want to know more about the diving sites in and around Amed, it is a pleasure for me to share this experiences together with you. 

If you are interested in coral reefs and how they exist have a look at this blog page:
Reef Ecology

If you love to dive with Amed Scuba?
We would love to introduce you into the highlights of our Bali Diving Tour.
From a macro festival with pygmy sea horses, pegasus- or frog fishes with ghost pipe fishes etc. to a wide angle festival at the USSAT Liberty shipwreck in Tulamben the variety in Bali is exciting! Drop offs, drift dives, shipwrecks, untouched coral gardens and still more for example in Crystal Bay where the visibility is mostly awesome to meet the famous Sunfish (Mola mola), the largest bone fish in the world with a span as large as 4 meters. One think we should not miss! We should meet the awesome and huge Manta rays in Nusa Penida! Amed Scuba offers you the best diving sites in Bali!
If you are
interested in diving with me and with our team of Amed Scuba contact our office at or contact me directly under in engish or german language.  Hope to see you in Bali!


Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2014

I Have a dream...


Welcome in our Amed Scuba Resort Restaurant Aroma de la Mer in Bali

I have a dream to enjoy Bali with all my senses...
Sundowner in Aroma de la Mer our Amed Scuba resort restaurant in Bali

I have a dream to see mystic temples in Bali...

Amed Scuba Besar Diving Tour

I dream of a dream time just for myself...

Amed Scuba, Besar Diving and Culture Tour around Bali

I dream of green rice fields up to the horrizon...

Amed Scuba, Kecil Bali Tour

I dream of mystical Hindu temples...

Amed Scuba, Besar Bali Tour: Gunung Kawi

Amed Scuba, Besar Bali Tour: Mother Temple Besakih

Amed Scuba, Kecil Bali Tour: Temple Lampujang

I dream of tropical vegetation...

Amed Scuba, Kecil Bali Tour: Vulcano lakes
Amed Scuba, Hidden Paradise

Rice terrace around Amed, Amed Scuba diving tour

I dream of a mystical cultur...

Amed Scuba Besar Diving and Culture Tour, Butterflydance
Amed Scuba, Besar Bali Culture and Diving Tour

Amed Scuba, Besar Culture and Diving Tour, Temple Ceremonie

I dream of a time just for myself...

Amed Scuba Besar Bali Culture and Diving Tour, Spa

I dream of slowing down...

Amed Scuba, Besar Bali Tour, Luwak Coffee

I dream of beautiful beaches...



I dream of peace... 

Amed Scuba Diving and Culture Tour


I dream about diving into an ocean full of colors...

Amed Scuba House Reef, Jemeluk Bay
Amed Scuba, an ocean full of colors

I dream of fulfillment...

Amed Scuba Team

Kecil Bali-Tour only 1050€ (7 days, 6 nights and 10 dives) 

without diving from 750,-Euro

Besar Bali-Tour only 1900€ (14 days, 13 nights in AC bungalows, 20 dives at different places all over Bali, 14 days sightseeing tour, Spa and relaxing with an individual tour programm in small groups max. 4 people, min 2 people)

Our small dive tour around Bali will guide us to some of the best dive sides of our wonderful island in only 7 days, and will show you the beauty of nature over and under the sea. On the way to our dive sites we pass beautiful rice terraces, mysterious and remote temples and of course some Balinese ceremonies.

1. Day 
We will pick you up from the airport or from your hotel. Our journey will bring us along the beautiful rice terraces of Bali and the Bratan Lake to the Bali Barat national park. If the time is right we can make a break in the mystic water temple of Ulu Danu.

Our first dive will be in Permuteran from the beach, where we can see the biggest artificial house reef in the world.
Overnight we stay in a nice bungalow with fan and mosquito net directly at the beach near Permuteran. The area has a swimming pool directly at the beach. In the small restaurant at the beach they offer fresh seafood for very fair prices. The accommodation includes breakfast. You can have a bungalow with air-condition for a little extra money. 

2. Day
Directly after the breakfast we go to the office of the Bali Barat national park. Here we start our boat to Menjangan Island which also belongs to the national park. Fishing is forbidden and therefore we have a good chance to see big fish. On the island you find the oldest temple in Bali where the Balinese people are celebrating there full-moon ceremonies. 
The first dive will be in Pos Dua along a drop off with caves in it. We can see a lot of coral formation and huge fish.
After dinner on the beach you can go snorkelling, relax or visit the oldest temple of Bali on Menjangan Island.
Depending on the current and your interest we will decide where we will go for the next dive around the island.
After the second dive we drive directly to Tulamben. On the way we will visit the Git Git Waterfalls and will arrive in Tulamben in the evening.
Our bungalows in Tulamben are inclusive fan, mosquito net and breakfast. Directly in front of the accommodation there is a coral garden which you can enter directly from the beach in front of the bungalows.
We recommend you visit the restaurants at the beach side, where you can enjoy the fresh seafood which comes directly from the fisherman to your plate for very fair prices. (Fresh barracuda, tuna with rice for app. two Euro. Or try the tasty Sate Lilith- spicy fish skewer - or Pepes Ikan, spicy fish in banana leave)

3. Day
Straight after breakfast we dive right from the beach to the U.S.A.T. Liberty. The shipwreck lies near the beach. The American ship was torpedoed by the Japanese in the Second World War in the Street of Lombok and sank at the beach in Tulamben. Here you can see a lot of big fish and with a bit of luck you will also see Mantas. 
The second dive guides us to a beautiful drop off. Again we start from the beach and dive against a smooth current which eventually brings us back to where we started.
After dinner and a break we can show you a traditional Balinese village living from the production of Arak. Here you can test the highproof spirit from the palm tree in its different taste varieties.
You will stay in the same bungalow in Tulamben as the night before.
(another specialty of the area which you really shouldn't miss, is the famous Babi Guling or Bebec Toto. Ask us if you want to know more!)

4. Day
After breakfast we drive to Amed, a little quiet fishing village 20 minutes from Tulamben. The people of Amed live from fishing and salt panning which you can see here at the beach.
Our first dive will be in the bay of Jemeluk. Here we find a wonderful drop off covered with variety of corals and huge sponges. This wall is full of different species and with many colourful fish.
With a traditional Balinese fishing boat we sail to our second dive spot at Amed Ghost Bay. Here you can see the rebuilding of the reef. We dive along a pretty wall with the smooth current. The boat will follow us to the end of our dive.
After the dives and a break you have the option of seeing the beautiful water palace Tirta ganga. Here you can swim in the sweet water pools or relax.
You will stay in our accommodation.
It is possible to do our night dives in Jemeluk or in Tulamben.

5. Day
After breakfast we drive in the little fishing village Kubu a few kilometres away from Tulamben. Here we will dive directly from the beach at two very pretty dive sites, with a rich variety of coral formation. Kubu and monkey reef offers, apart from the corals, a lot of small animals and marine life. With a little luck you also get to see reef sharks and turtles.
After the diving you can visit the summer palace of the last king of Karangassem. The palace was built in 1920 and a big part of it was destroyed by the lava of the Gunung Agung from 1963. The palace was rebuilt again and you get an impression of the life of the old Balinese king and his hundreds of wifes.
In Amlapura there is a big shopping centre and a local market where we can stop if you need to buy anything.

6. Day
We move to Padang Bai and bring our luggage. Padang Bai is located between Singaraja and Candidasa and is a perfect location for relaxation on pristine white sandy beaches.
After we check in to our bungalows that comes with mosquito net and fan, and is located in front of the white beach, we start our boat divs at the dive sites: Blue Lagoon and White Beach.
Here you'll find beautiful walls and coral gardens with a variety of different species. You will see a lot of “critters” and at the depth of 20 meters you can meet sleeping reef sharks. In the time from august to September moon fishes sometimes appear.
Blue Lagoon is a wonderful beach for snorkeling, it has white sand but it is much finer than White Beach. White Beach offers pristine white sand and a couple of small warungs for a nice snack and cold drinks, but there can sometimes be bigger waves. For families we recommend the main beach where there are no waves and it will be safer for your small children. The black sand beach is another pretty location for a walk. The black sand between the gemstone crystal-clear water and the lush green areas is very scenic. Padang Bai is also a cultural destination with one of the oldest temples in Bali.
We stay another night in our bungalow in Padang Bai.

7. Day
Depending on the conditions of the dive sites and your personal interest you can choose your dive site after breakfast. We can make a boat dive in Gilli Mimpang, Gilli Tepekong or Gili Biaha.
We will organize a little dinner with soft drinks and afterwards bring you to your new hotel or to the airport. If you leave by plane on this day or the next, you can do the dive on another day.

This dive holiday is planned so that you will find time for diving, relaxing and feeling good.

With this package you will book nine day dives and one night dive, which you can also dive in the day if you want. Therefore you can miss one of the 14 offered dives or you can buy more to your package. We will be flexible for you!

The price includes: Transfer from and to the airport or another destination on Bali. Ten dives. An English or German speaking divemaster. Lots of information about biology and history of Bali from your personal guide who will guide you during the dives and the tour. Six nights in bungalows with fan and breakfast. Soft drinks, fruits and snacks.    

The price for this one week tour is only €1050, - Euro per person!

For this tour we need minimum two divers! If you are non diver you are welcome to accompany us and you will only pay 750,- Euro.

Besar Bali-Tour only 1950,- € (14 days, 13 nights in bungalows and 20 dives) 

Without diving from 1400,-Euro

We would like to welcome you to our large dive tour around Bali!

Our dive tour will guide us, over the course of 14 days, to all the best and most beautiful dive sites of our wonderful island.

We show you the top sites of Bali under and above the Bali Sea. It is our declared aim to not only show you the best dive sites of Bali, but equally important: we give you a unique oppertunity to get in close contact with the cultural, religious and physical life of the Balinese people. It is an honour for us to guide you through all of this and we know this may be a very memorable and pleasant tour to Bali.

1. Day 
We will pick you up from your hotel or from the airport in Denpasar and bring you to Padang Bai not so far away. Located on the east coast of Bali, Padang Bai is a perfect location for relaxation on pristine white sand beaches, and with a lot of the famous dive sites in the east of Bali within easy reach by boat.
This little cosy fishing village is a great spot for diving, snorkeling as well as fishing. Here you can also visit one of the oldest temples in Bali. The Silayukti Temple is over 1000 years old and there are authentic Balinese ceremonies taking place daily there.

We check-in into our bungalows which are situated in a small bay with white beach. The bungalows has mosquito net and fan, and breakfast is included. Not far away from the hotel you will find two beautiful bays for relaxation, snorkeling and swimming.
On your first evening we would like to welcome you with a drink. We will explain our journey and ask you for your special wishes. After all of this we will make our equipment check. Then we can start with the diving the next morning.

2. - 4. Day
After breakfast and briefing we start our boat dives at the dive sites: Blue Lagoon and White Beach.
Here you will find a variety of different species in the beautiful walls and coral gardens. You will see a lot of “critters” and at the depth of 20 meters you can meet sleeping reef sharks. In the time from august to September moon fish sometimes appear. A night dive is possible here as well.

Blue Lagoon is a wonderful beach for snorkeling, it has white sand much finer than White Beach. White Beach offers pristine white sand and a couple of small warungs (Balinese restaurant) for a nice snack and cold drinks, but sometimes there can be bigger waves.

For families we recommend the main beach where there are no waves, and it will be safer for your small children. The black sand beach is another pretty location for a walk. The black sand between the gemstone crystal-clear water and the lush green areas is very scenic.

On the second day we will go by boat to the dive sites Gili Mimpang, Gili Tepekong and Gili Key picBiaha. We choose our dive sites in this area depending of the conditions of the day.

The third day will guide us to the dive sites on Nusa Penida. We can choose to dive in Crystal Bay, Manta Point or in SD. It is also possible to visit other dive sites on this island. It is up to you and the conditions! 
After the dives and a cosy break we have the option of a little tour to some of the other nice sites of Bali. We recommend a trip to Ubud where we can visit the Monkey Forest or you can go to the local markets if you want to buy some presents or a nice Sarung. If you want you can see paintings of local and western painters or you can watch a traditional Balinese Dance. In the evening you can have a drink in the Jazz Cafe or have a walk through the village of Ubud before we drive back to Padang Bai.
It is also possible to visit Goa lawah (bat cave) and the Elephant Cave or you can choose to relax on one of the nice beaches in Padang Bai. 

5.-10. Day
We drive over a very scenic street with a fabulous sight to the gemstone blue sea and wonderful rice terraces to our next destination in Amed or in Tulamben. The small fishing villages in this region fringing the Bali sea and steep mountains to landward. After the check-in in our accommodation with fan, mosquito net and breakfast at a pretty black beach we start our two day dives.

Our dive sites are:
Tulamben Shipwreck und Tulamben Drop-Off,   
Kubu and Monkey Reef,
Batu Kelebit, Emerald Point or Seraya
Amed Ghost Bay and Jemeluk,
Bunutan and Japanese Shipwreck

In Jemeluk or Tulamben both the night dives are possible!

After the diving we have the option of a sight seeing tour in the beautiful surrounding area. We can visit a small village which is living from the production of Arak. Here you can see how they produce the palm spirit and you can taste the differences between the products. We strongly recommend that you try an Arak Attak (Arak with fresh lemon and honey). Here you will also see the life of a traditional Balinese village away from the tourism.

In Amed you will see the salt panning. On the beach there are lots of trees where the local people fill in the sea water. After the water evaporates the people collect the salt. A lot of children sell this sea salt on the street to pay for their school.
Twice a day hundreds of pretty and colourful painted sailing boats called Jukungs take to the sea to bring fresh fish directly to your table.
We can also visit Tirta ganga. The water palace was build 1948 from the last King of Karangasem, Anak Agung Anglurah Ketut. This very scenic palace has unique architectural features represented by a combination of Chinese, European and traditional Balinese architecture. You can use the swimming pools with crystal clear water for swimming and relaxation, and the area has a breathtaking view over beautiful rice terraces.
We can visit Ujung as well. This water palace by the sea was the summer residence of the last raja of Karangasem. It was built in 1920 in the colonial time of the Dutch in Indonesia. The king lived here with his wives.
If you want to, we can show you the activities of Balinese men in their leisure time.
This area is well known for its Pepes Ikan (herbal fish in banana leaves) of for the Sate Lilith (spicy fish skewer) or try Bebec Toto (very tasty grilled duck) or Babi Guling (grilled piglet).

11.-14. Day
We will drive to the north-west of Bali in the Bali Barat Nationalpark. On our way to Permuteran we will visit the hot springs and the Git Git waterfalls. At both it is possible to relax in sweet water pools.
After our arrival we stay in nice bungalows with fan and mosquito net directly at the beach near Permuteran. The hotel has a nice swimming pool and a little restaurant, bith at the beach where the chef serves fresh and favourable seafood. The hotel is including breakfast.
After we check in, our first dive will be in Permuteran, from the shore. Here we can see the biggest artificial house reef in the world.

After breakfast the following day, we will visit the national park office of the Bali male statue pcBarat Nationalpark. The beautiful island Menjangan belongs to this national park. The office allows only a limited number of visitors to dive at Menjangan Island. Fishing is forbidden in the area of Menjangan and therefore we have a good chance seeing big fish as well. On the island you find the oldest temple in Bali where the Balinese Hindu people are celebrating their full-moon ceremonies. 
The first dive will be in Pos Dua along a drop off with caves in it. We can see a lot of coral formation and huge fish.
After the dinner on the beach you can go snorkelling, relax or visit the oldest temple of Bali on Menjangan Island.
Depending on the current and your interest we will decide where we will go for the next dive around the island.
Because of the property of this beautiful island we will also dive here a second day. Australian Biologists have counted 46 different kinds of Agropora here!

Our first dive will be in Pos Dua with its divided drop offs. Here you will see beautiful hard and soft corals and find some little caves to dive in.
After a picknick at the beach we can visit the oldest temple in Bali or you can take your time for relaxation or snorkelling. Depending on your interest and the conditions we will choose the second dive site at Menjangan Island.

On our last day we will drive to Gilimanuk where we explore the Secret Bay. It is a highly recommended place for mug diving. Here you will see a lot of “Critters”. You will be surprised to see all these little animals! This place is an El Dorado for macro photographers!
The National park office also offers some guided walks through the rainforest of the National Park of Bali Barat.

We will organize a little dinner with soft drinks and afterwards we'll bring you to your new hotel or to the airport. If you should fly out this day or the next, you can do the dive on another day.

This dive holiday is planned so that you will find time for diving, relaxing and generally feeling good.

With this package you will book 18 day dives and two night dives, which you can also dive in the day if you prefer. Therefore you can miss one of the 25 offered dives or you can buy more to your package. We will be flexible for you!

The price includes: Transfer from and to the airport or another destination on Bali, 20 dives. Your personal divemaster, who will guide you during the dives and the tour in English or German language. 13 nights in bungalows with fan and breakfast. Soft drinks, fruits and snacks.

The price for this two week tour is only €1800, - Euro per person! In the highseason we charge 200 Euro more per Person.
For this tour we need minimum two divers! If you are non diver you are welcome to accompany us and you will only pay 75 percent of the price.
All rooms are with aircondition.